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This notebook will guide you through the basic steps to get started with Active Vision.

By the end of this notebook, you will be able to:

  • Understand the basic workflow of active learning
  • Understand the basic components of Active Vision
  • Understand how to use Active Vision to train a model
  • Understand how to use Active Vision to iteratively improve your dataset

Before we start, we need to prepare 3 sets of data:

  • Initial samples: A dataset of labeled images to train an initial model. If you don't have any labeled data, you can label some images yourself.
  • Unlabeled samples: A dataset of unlabeled images. We will continuously sample from this set using active learning strategies.
  • Evaluation samples: A dataset of labeled images. We will use this set to evaluate the performance of the model. This is the test set, DO NOT use it for active learning. Split this out in the beginning.

We will use the Imagenette dataset as a working example in this notebook.

Load the dataset

active-vision currently supports datasets in a pandas dataframe format. The dataframe should have at least 2 columns: filepath and label.

import pandas as pd

initial_samples = pd.read_parquet("imagenette/initial_samples.parquet")
filepath label
0 data/imagenette/2/00710.jpg cassette player
1 data/imagenette/2/00063.jpg cassette player
2 data/imagenette/2/00506.jpg cassette player
3 data/imagenette/2/00575.jpg cassette player
4 data/imagenette/2/00136.jpg cassette player

Let's check the distribution of the labels.

cassette player     10
tench               10
chain saw           10
church              10
parachute           10
gas pump            10
English springer    10
golf ball           10
garbage truck       10
French horn         10
Name: count, dtype: int64

Create an ActiveLearner

Now that we have an initial dataset, we can load it into an ActiveLearner object with a model.

Any fastai and timm models are supported. For simplicity, we will use a resnet18 model.

from active_vision import ActiveLearner
from import resnet18

al = ActiveLearner(resnet18)
2025-01-25 00:01:47.070 | INFO     | active_vision.core:load_model:41 - Loading fastai model resnet18

We can load the initial samples into the ActiveLearner object.

2025-01-25 00:01:47.075 | INFO     | active_vision.core:load_dataset:59 - Loading dataset from filepath and label
2025-01-25 00:01:47.075 | INFO     | active_vision.core:load_dataset:61 - Creating dataloaders
2025-01-25 00:01:47.321 | INFO     | active_vision.core:load_dataset:83 - Creating learner
2025-01-25 00:01:47.473 | INFO     | active_vision.core:load_dataset:92 - Done. Ready to train.


You can inspect the train and validation sets too.

filepath label
51 data/imagenette/7/05378.jpg gas pump
83 data/imagenette/6/07797.jpg garbage truck
97 data/imagenette/5/08999.jpg French horn
75 data/imagenette/8/06618.jpg golf ball
9 data/imagenette/2/00420.jpg cassette player
... ... ...
28 data/imagenette/3/02542.jpg chain saw
5 data/imagenette/2/00176.jpg cassette player
29 data/imagenette/3/02582.jpg chain saw
60 data/imagenette/1/06189.jpg English springer
32 data/imagenette/4/02882.jpg church

80 rows × 2 columns

filepath label
4 data/imagenette/2/00136.jpg cassette player
64 data/imagenette/1/06574.jpg English springer
40 data/imagenette/9/04652.jpg parachute
54 data/imagenette/7/05488.jpg gas pump
20 data/imagenette/3/02629.jpg chain saw
31 data/imagenette/4/03479.jpg church
82 data/imagenette/6/08366.jpg garbage truck
57 data/imagenette/7/05299.jpg gas pump
33 data/imagenette/4/03555.jpg church
37 data/imagenette/4/02843.jpg church
27 data/imagenette/3/02785.jpg chain saw
26 data/imagenette/3/02119.jpg chain saw
94 data/imagenette/5/09397.jpg French horn
41 data/imagenette/9/04180.jpg parachute
66 data/imagenette/1/06196.jpg English springer
80 data/imagenette/6/07907.jpg garbage truck
10 data/imagenette/0/01629.jpg tench
1 data/imagenette/2/00063.jpg cassette player
78 data/imagenette/8/07354.jpg golf ball
72 data/imagenette/8/06937.jpg golf ball


Now that we have the initial dataset, we can train the model.

But first, let's check the optimal learning rate for the model.

2025-01-25 00:01:48.042 | INFO     | active_vision.core:lr_find:115 - Finding optimal learning rate
2025-01-25 00:01:54.456 | INFO     | active_vision.core:lr_find:117 - Optimal learning rate: 0.00363078061491251


Not let's use the optimal learning rate to train the model end-to-end for 3 epochs and 1 epoch of head tuning.

al.train(epochs=3, lr=5e-3, head_tuning_epochs=1)
2025-01-25 00:01:54.717 | INFO     | active_vision.core:train:128 - Training head for 1 epochs
2025-01-25 00:01:54.718 | INFO     | active_vision.core:train:129 - Training model end-to-end for 3 epochs
2025-01-25 00:01:54.718 | INFO     | active_vision.core:train:130 - Learning rate: 0.005 with one-cycle learning rate scheduler
epoch train_loss valid_loss accuracy time
0 2.871501 0.771290 0.750000 00:01


epoch train_loss valid_loss accuracy time
0 0.460057 0.409270 0.850000 00:01
1 0.370149 0.635701 0.800000 00:01
2 0.286742 0.720829 0.800000 00:01



Now that we have a trained model, we can evaluate it on the evaluation set.

evaluation_df = pd.read_parquet("imagenette/evaluation_samples.parquet")
filepath label
0 data/imagenette/2/00000.jpg cassette player
1 data/imagenette/2/00001.jpg cassette player
2 data/imagenette/2/00002.jpg cassette player
3 data/imagenette/2/00003.jpg cassette player
4 data/imagenette/2/00004.jpg cassette player
... ... ...
3920 data/imagenette/5/03920.jpg French horn
3921 data/imagenette/5/03921.jpg French horn
3922 data/imagenette/5/03922.jpg French horn
3923 data/imagenette/5/03923.jpg French horn
3924 data/imagenette/5/03924.jpg French horn

3925 rows × 2 columns

al.evaluate(evaluation_df, filepath_col="filepath", label_col="label")
2025-01-25 00:02:04.166 | INFO     | active_vision.core:evaluate:183 - Accuracy: 89.22%


That is a good start. 89% accuracy is not bad for a first try with only 80 labeled samples. Let's see if we can improve it.


Using the model, we can predict the labels of the unlabeled samples and get the most impactful samples to label.

df = pd.read_parquet("imagenette/unlabeled_samples.parquet")
filepaths = df["filepath"].tolist()
pred_df = al.predict(filepaths, batch_size=128)
2025-01-25 00:12:36.925 | INFO     | active_vision.core:predict:139 - Running inference on 9369 samples
filepath pred_label pred_conf probs logits
0 data/imagenette/2/00000.jpg cassette player 0.999940 [3.8786602090112865e-06, 2.0944246443832526e-06, 0.9999401569366455, 5.659975158778252e-06, 1.2189193654421615e-08, 3.137968860755791e-06, 5.577669526246609e-06, 1.6730854213165003e-06, 3.2309548259945586e-05, 5.561352736549452e-06] [-1.6552734375, -2.271484375, 10.8046875, -1.27734375, -7.41796875, -1.8671875, -1.2919921875, -2.49609375, 0.464599609375, -1.294921875]
1 data/imagenette/2/00001.jpg cassette player 0.996448 [4.007924144389108e-05, 0.0001770971284713596, 0.9964480400085449, 4.143233672948554e-05, 6.213659071363509e-05, 0.00016007207159418613, 0.0026889692526310682, 3.355292938067578e-05, 0.00015110982349142432, 0.00019756612891796976] [-2.38671875, -0.90087890625, 7.734375, -2.353515625, -1.9482421875, -1.001953125, 1.8193359375, -2.564453125, -1.0595703125, -0.79150390625]
2 data/imagenette/2/00002.jpg cassette player 0.999960 [4.068855105288094e-06, 2.1588432446151273e-06, 0.9999604225158691, 9.62526272019204e-08, 2.7002775823348202e-05, 1.9579856598284096e-06, 3.7465749755938305e-06, 2.970585910588852e-07, 2.372987779608593e-07, 1.4878810361551587e-07] [-0.638671875, -1.2724609375, 11.7734375, -4.3828125, 1.25390625, -1.3701171875, -0.72119140625, -3.255859375, -3.48046875, -3.947265625]
3 data/imagenette/2/00004.jpg cassette player 0.979522 [0.007508011534810066, 3.5657776606967673e-06, 0.9795216917991638, 0.0006528471712954342, 9.259342186851427e-05, 0.0010664233705028892, 0.010988288559019566, 6.754462083335966e-05, 9.027201303979382e-05, 8.72256623551948e-06] [2.6328125, -5.01953125, 7.50390625, 0.1904296875, -1.7626953125, 0.68115234375, 3.013671875, -2.078125, -1.7880859375, -4.125]
4 data/imagenette/2/00005.jpg cassette player 0.797918 [0.011532734148204327, 0.003183037508279085, 0.7979180216789246, 0.009069844149053097, 0.0023915632627904415, 0.00016750465147197247, 0.1725618839263916, 0.0006079384475015104, 0.0024530640803277493, 0.00011445157724665478] [0.87646484375, -0.410888671875, 5.11328125, 0.63623046875, -0.69677734375, -3.35546875, 3.58203125, -2.06640625, -0.67138671875, -3.736328125]
... ... ... ... ... ...
9364 data/imagenette/5/09464.jpg French horn 0.987643 [0.00029267228092066944, 0.9876433610916138, 0.001452236552722752, 4.644334330805577e-05, 0.005708757322281599, 0.002765971701592207, 0.0017633169190958142, 5.4510288464371115e-05, 6.473256507888436e-05, 0.0002079414698528126] [-1.2373046875, 6.88671875, 0.364501953125, -3.078125, 1.7333984375, 1.0087890625, 0.55859375, -2.91796875, -2.74609375, -1.5791015625]
9365 data/imagenette/5/09465.jpg French horn 0.999925 [5.922832770011155e-06, 0.9999253749847412, 1.7656429918133654e-05, 6.576460975793452e-08, 3.2158670819626423e-06, 2.4867827619345917e-07, 4.3148804252268746e-05, 2.667349690455012e-06, 2.9996323291925364e-07, 1.3404093124336214e-06] [0.58837890625, 12.625, 1.6806640625, -3.912109375, -0.0223388671875, -2.58203125, 2.57421875, -0.2093505859375, -2.39453125, -0.8974609375]
9366 data/imagenette/5/09466.jpg French horn 0.999991 [1.95907591660216e-06, 0.9999905824661255, 1.729398633187884e-07, 3.432096562505649e-08, 1.907207774820563e-06, 2.8670799565588823e-06, 3.208930934306409e-07, 1.9355577478563646e-06, 6.142320785329503e-08, 2.1396972726961394e-07] [-0.01021575927734375, 13.1328125, -2.4375, -4.0546875, -0.03704833984375, 0.37060546875, -1.8193359375, -0.0222930908203125, -3.47265625, -2.224609375]
9367 data/imagenette/5/09467.jpg French horn 0.997561 [8.926929149311036e-05, 0.9975610971450806, 0.0010718390112742782, 1.3839429811923765e-05, 0.0008035547216422856, 1.7392470908816904e-05, 0.00041161972330883145, 1.3975242836750112e-05, 4.9830268835648894e-06, 1.2454139323381241e-05] [-0.2354736328125, 9.0859375, 2.25, -2.099609375, 1.9619140625, -1.87109375, 1.29296875, -2.08984375, -3.12109375, -2.205078125]
9368 data/imagenette/5/09468.jpg French horn 0.998887 [2.4250099158962257e-05, 0.9988873600959778, 0.00023947758018039167, 3.870794898830354e-06, 0.000558981322683394, 0.00010968768037855625, 0.00011828438437078148, 2.9080310923745856e-05, 3.0382213935808977e-06, 2.5915131118381396e-05] [-1.6103515625, 9.015625, 0.6796875, -3.4453125, 1.52734375, -0.10113525390625, -0.0256805419921875, -1.4287109375, -3.6875, -1.5439453125]

9369 rows × 5 columns


With the predicted labels, we can sample the most impactful samples to label using active learning strategies.

For this example, we will use the sample_uncertain strategy to sample the most uncertain samples. This will pull out samples that the model is most unsure about.

uncertain_df = al.sample_uncertain(pred_df, num_samples=10)
2025-01-25 00:13:46.813 | INFO     | active_vision.core:sample_uncertain:203 - Using least confidence strategy to get top 10 samples
filepath pred_label pred_conf score probs logits
8838 data/imagenette/5/08932.jpg garbage truck 0.2224 0.7776 [0.003269913839176297, 0.15925484895706177, 0.0705740824341774, 0.17002329230308533, 0.1168551817536354, 0.22240279614925385, 0.11320464313030243, 0.10122854262590408, 0.02307766117155552, 0.02010904625058174] [-3.1171875, 0.7685546875, -0.0452880859375, 0.833984375, 0.458984375, 1.1025390625, 0.42724609375, 0.3154296875, -1.1630859375, -1.30078125]
6444 data/imagenette/1/06511.jpg French horn 0.2364 0.7636 [0.13806648552417755, 0.23635455965995789, 0.06352084875106812, 0.044692497700452805, 0.132066011428833, 0.010354314930737019, 0.0016738689737394452, 0.0987921953201294, 0.06548923254013062, 0.2089899480342865] [0.48095703125, 1.0185546875, -0.29541015625, -0.64697265625, 0.4365234375, -2.109375, -3.931640625, 0.146240234375, -0.264892578125, 0.8955078125]
2345 data/imagenette/3/02368.jpg golf ball 0.2417 0.7583 [0.00036688963882625103, 0.07101781666278839, 0.001960279420018196, 0.1306217461824417, 0.03515636920928955, 0.1468619853258133, 0.2196064293384552, 0.24166202545166016, 0.02237950637936592, 0.13036687672138214] [-3.73046875, 1.53515625, -2.0546875, 2.14453125, 0.83203125, 2.26171875, 2.6640625, 2.759765625, 0.38037109375, 2.142578125]
5188 data/imagenette/7/05243.jpg golf ball 0.2456 0.7544 [0.0009938922012224793, 0.011564904823899269, 0.010680132545530796, 0.2197105586528778, 0.21757540106773376, 0.06227555125951767, 0.2163042575120926, 0.24558402597904205, 0.005686040502041578, 0.009625168517231941] [-3.16796875, -0.7138671875, -0.79345703125, 2.23046875, 2.220703125, 0.9697265625, 2.21484375, 2.341796875, -1.423828125, -0.8974609375]
5648 data/imagenette/1/05709.jpg tench 0.2512 0.7488 [0.17077375948429108, 0.13443513214588165, 0.004920767620205879, 0.0035235893446952105, 0.002528051845729351, 0.06248761713504791, 0.020686879754066467, 0.16247674822807312, 0.18700958788394928, 0.25115787982940674] [1.560546875, 1.3212890625, -1.986328125, -2.3203125, -2.65234375, 0.55517578125, -0.55029296875, 1.5107421875, 1.6513671875, 1.9462890625]
2156 data/imagenette/3/02178.jpg church 0.2603 0.7397 [0.0009152884013019502, 0.030103696510195732, 0.0005044839926995337, 0.21622677147388458, 0.2603103518486023, 0.14235998690128326, 0.16353562474250793, 0.09957758337259293, 0.025536205619573593, 0.060930028557777405] [-2.544921875, 0.9482421875, -3.140625, 2.919921875, 3.10546875, 2.501953125, 2.640625, 2.14453125, 0.78369140625, 1.6533203125]
1689 data/imagenette/0/01707.jpg golf ball 0.2612 0.7388 [0.028023481369018555, 0.1736881583929062, 0.07131629437208176, 0.05589486286044121, 0.07441110908985138, 0.13239331543445587, 0.1123058944940567, 0.26124656200408936, 0.002871178090572357, 0.08784912526607513] [-0.4462890625, 1.3779296875, 0.48779296875, 0.244140625, 0.5302734375, 1.1064453125, 0.94189453125, 1.7861328125, -2.724609375, 0.6962890625]
2408 data/imagenette/3/02432.jpg tench 0.2619 0.7381 [0.01239323616027832, 0.05418980121612549, 0.02292860671877861, 0.08176667243242264, 0.16452926397323608, 0.18652713298797607, 0.05926935002207756, 0.11360494792461395, 0.04289907217025757, 0.2618919909000397] [-1.8330078125, -0.357666015625, -1.2177734375, 0.0537109375, 0.7529296875, 0.87841796875, -0.26806640625, 0.382568359375, -0.59130859375, 1.2177734375]
8042 data/imagenette/6/08129.jpg parachute 0.2659 0.7341 [0.00014282824122346938, 0.0025144435930997133, 0.0008817911730147898, 0.16065803170204163, 0.10639607906341553, 0.252257376909256, 0.0058434028178453445, 0.08482634276151657, 0.265917032957077, 0.12056255340576172] [-4.359375, -1.4912109375, -2.5390625, 2.666015625, 2.25390625, 3.1171875, -0.64794921875, 2.02734375, 3.169921875, 2.37890625]
3880 data/imagenette/9/03921.jpg parachute 0.2673 0.7327 [0.07887357473373413, 0.1806977540254593, 0.038154736161231995, 0.015850991010665894, 0.001349001657217741, 0.23682786524295807, 0.005408851429820061, 0.1205471009016037, 0.2673148810863495, 0.05497531592845917] [0.1700439453125, 0.9990234375, -0.55615234375, -1.4345703125, -3.8984375, 1.26953125, -2.509765625, 0.59423828125, 1.390625, -0.19091796875]


Let's label the 10 most uncertain samples.

al.label(uncertain_df, output_filename="imagenette/uncertain")


The Gradio interface will open up and you can label the samples. You could also see the confidence of the model for each sample to debug the model.

labeled_df = pd.read_parquet("imagenette/uncertain.parquet")

filepath label
0 data/imagenette/5/08932.jpg French horn
1 data/imagenette/1/06511.jpg English springer
2 data/imagenette/3/02368.jpg chain saw
3 data/imagenette/7/05243.jpg gas pump
4 data/imagenette/1/05709.jpg English springer
5 data/imagenette/3/02178.jpg chain saw
6 data/imagenette/0/01707.jpg tench
7 data/imagenette/3/02432.jpg chain saw
8 data/imagenette/6/08129.jpg garbage truck
10 data/imagenette/9/03921.jpg parachute

Add to train set

Now that we have labeled the samples, we can add them to the train set.

al.add_to_train_set(labeled_df, output_filename="imagenette/active_labeled")
2025-01-25 00:20:54.404 | INFO     | active_vision.core:add_to_train_set:769 - Adding 10 samples to training set
2025-01-25 00:20:54.407 | INFO     | active_vision.core:add_to_train_set:778 - Saved training set to imagenette/active_labeled.parquet


We can repeat the process of predicting, sampling, labeling, and adding to the train set until we have a good model.